One day as a Lenape


One day as a Lenape

 My brother’s yawns woke me up. I glared at him, but my tired  eyes  did not want to. My wigwam was very hot. Some how my dad still sleeping. “Wake up!” My brother screamed. I shut my ears trying not to hear it. My mom and dad woke up surprised. After getting out of the wigwam, my mom took me outside to teach me planting, while my father and  my brother left to find food. I began watering my plant. My mom gave me that plant so I could learn new techniques my mom. My mom left to cook some corn bread. My mom makes the best corn beard so we always had a pleasant lunch. I think mom is making corn soup because she said today she would make it. I could smell the corn soup in the air. I watered the crops for my mom. “Ahhhh'' I shouted.  A baby bear was in the bushes. My brother popped out of the bushes. “Yahhh!' He screamed. I pushed him into the bushes. “Do not hurt it, it is just a baby! ”I scowled at him. "Owww!" My brother said. The mother bear showed up. My brother and I ran into the wigwam. The mother bear took the little bear and left. After that we had dinner. Dinner was pleasing. After dinner I was sleeping and thinking about how tomorrow might be! I can’t wait for another amazing day!!


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